A Decade With Classic LifeCare

Kelsey's decade with Classic LifeCare

Our Client Care Coordinator Kelsey Koehn reflects on a meaningful decade with Classic LifeCare.

About Kelsey’s Decade Working With Classic LifeCare

“I’m still here at Classic because it’s not just a job, it’s a family,” says Kelsey. “I get up to go to work and I don’t mind. The people I work with are the best part of the job.”

Kelsey worked in scheduling and payroll for a long-term care facility prior to her role with Classic LifeCare. She met Britney Didier-Shaw, Classic’s Regional Leader – Alberta, while Britney was marketing at the facility. Kelsey got to know more about Classic LifeCare while Classic LifeCare was covering shifts at the facility.

When asked if she knew anyone looking for a scheduling job, Kelsey submitted her resume to Classic LifeCare.

Kelsey’s Meaningful Career

She recently took on some payroll and invoicing duties at Classic LifeCare to complement her coordinating duties.

However there are a few challenges of being a Client Care Coordinator. Kelsey says the biggest is the defeat you feel when you schedule care for a client and something falls apart. Scheduling can be a thankless job because there is so much behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. Sometimes she has to make a dozen phone calls to fill a shift and it might fall apart in the last minute.

On the other hand, Kelsey enjoys when everything works out and the clients and the employees are a happy fit.

“When everyone is happy and a client is telling me, ‘I love my caregiver,’ then I feel really good about the job I did.”

Kelsey Faced Some Health Challenges This Year

This year has been particularly challenging for Kelsey because of an accident she is still recovering from.

On May 6, she tripped and fell on the sidewalk. She quickly tried to get up and realized she had seriously damaged her ankle.

Her friends called 9-1-1 and she was told she would need surgery as soon as possible. Her ankle suffered three breaks and a dislocation, which required eight pins, a plate and a rod to put it back together.

She couldn’t walk until the end of June and was off work while she let her body heal from the ordeal.

“I don’t know what I would have done without my parents,” says Kelsey, wiping tears from her eyes. “Especially my mom. I couldn’t do anything on my own and I am so grateful my parents rushed to help me.”

She said learning to walk again is tougher than it seems and there are a lot of tears still. Going downstairs is a great challenge.

How Her Accident Influenced Her Role At Classic LifeCare

The experience has given her perspective on how helpless a person can feel when they can’t do seemingly simple tasks by themselves, like bathing and laundry. She says she appreciates more than ever the important work Health Care Workers do for Classic LifeCare’s clients every day.

When Kelsey isn’t working or recovering from trauma, she likes going for dinners with her friends, drinking wine and reading.

“I am determined to walk without an air cast and get back to normal as soon as possible,” she smiles. “My friend ‘blinged out’ my cane so at least I can do it in style.”


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