Farewell to Client Care Coordinator

This week Classic LifeCare bid farewell to Client Care Coordinator Ingrid. Her goal of caring for people is on the horizon as she moves on to pursue a nursing career.
Ingrid, who started with Classic in administration before transitioning into a Client Care Coordinator position, is excited to go back to school at Kwantlen College in Langley to complete her Registered Nursing training. She says her time at Classic has been challenging but rewarding and every day has its fun.
The Role as a Client Care Coordinator
“It’s challenging being a Coordinator,” says Ingrid. “There is a lot of management and prioritizing and you’re always trying to make sure the client’s needs are met. I put myself in their shoes and think about how I would want things to go if I was the client. But it’s rewarding when you know the client is happy and the team here is amazing.”
Ingrid was born in the Philippines and moved to Canada three years ago. Caring for others became second nature to her when she was tasked with caring for a baby brother and sister when she was nine years old. Her mother left the Philippines for Canada when Ingrid was 15 years old leaving her in charge at home.
“When I was a child, I really wanted to become a doctor. But when I got older, I realized I would be in school for about 10 years. I think being a nurse is close, but actually more appealing in a way because you get more time with patients and can feel more connected to them.”
Future Nursing Supervisor at Classic LifeCare?
In the Philippines, Ingrid completed a four-year nursing course and earned her license. In November, 2014 she completed the SEC (Substantially Equivalent Competence) Assessment through the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia to test her nursing knowledge. Because of her previous education, she will complete her RN degree in just one year.
Her ultimate goal as a nurse is to work in surgery or specialize in heart and stroke. She would also be open to working as a Nursing Supervisor for Classic.
When she’s not working or going to school, Ingrid enjoys biking, playing badminton, dancing and singing. She sang competitively in the Philippines. Beyond that, her boyfriend, Braeden, and three cats keep her busy.
Keep In Touch, Ingrid!
Yvette Litterscheidt, Operations Leader at Classic, says she will miss Ingrid’s sense of humour, hard work and positive outlook. Ingrid insists she will keep in touch.
“I am really going to miss Classic. It’s a very warm environment with a lot of laughs, smiles and support. I love everyone here and am definitely going to come visit.”