Talking About Grief

Talking About Grief - Discussion group

Talking about grief can be extremely difficult. Working in health care can be an incredibly emotional job at times, particularly when some of the clients are children. Classic LifeCare’s Calgary team took some time last week to learn about grief and how to cope with loss.

Classic LifeCare Calgary Learn How To Talk About Grief

Kathy Bach Paterson, RN – Counsellor, Community Hospice Services, brought advice, insight, and resources to the office staff in Calgary. The purpose of this training was to help them to understand grief so that they could help employees in the field.

Britney Didier-Shaw asked Kathy to the office because of the range of scenarios Classic employees interact with. She also wanted to help them with the emotional toll of the job. 

“The response to loss is individual and I felt it was important to have the opportunity to talk or ask questions,” says Britney. “Particularly the Client Care Coordinators who build relationships with the clients, their families and the staff.”

Talking About Grief Advice

·        Grief can cause disorganization and sadness, it is important to be able to identify when you need to take a break, walk, talk to someone, cry.

·        Participating in a group discussion can help boost your mood by giving you a venue to express feelings that may otherwise get bottled up.  Explore ways of remembering clients while supporting each other.

·        Set your intent before approaching a client/family, it’s best to acknowledge their suffering.  It’s your presence that’s most important, not what you say.

Kathy suggests a few rituals to process grief, including a memory lamp or lit candle on the day we are experiencing loss, or a memory book with obituary, notes of remembrance or pictures.

“She suggests we take time to feel and make sense of the loss,” says Britney.

Some suggested reads:

Being with Dying by Joan Halifax


