How Can Families Deal with Wandering?

dealing with wandering

Classic LifeCare Leader Susan Fulton provides tips to prevent wandering in people living with dementia.

Susan mentions that providing distractions and keeping them physically active (with supervision) can help. Sometimes taking a jacket and shoes out of the line of vision helps. Some care facilities have painted their doors to look like a bookcase or room that “hides” the door. You can go as far as putting the locks on the outside of the doors but only do this when you can ensure their safety. Supervision and companionship is key.

If you have a Health Care Worker providing support, make sure they document any observed changes in behaviour or patterns. Anticipate potential safety issues before they occur.

How to find people who wander?

Connect with your community. Talk to the neighbors, ask them to be aware and provide family contact numbers, should wandering occur.

Purchase a medic alert bracelet which provides their diagnosis and emergency contact number. Organize a plan with family, health care workers and/or neighbors.

Review this plan at least once yearly.

Are there any tips for people who find the wandering person?

Approach slowly and gently. Smile and try to be as non-threatening as possible. Remember that they may be scared so provide reassurance, ask if you can help.

If the person doesn’t let you approach, try and do a visual assessment:

  • Do they have an ID bracelet on?
  • Are they hurt?
  • Are they able to tell you where they live/what street/ or provide a phone number? Sometimes you need to look for clues if they can’t recall the answer.

Recently, a lady looking confused was found crossing the street. A bystander approached to chat.

The lost lady had a pile of magazines in her arms, so they began a conversation about the magazines.

During this conversation the ‘helper’ noticed an address label on the magazine. The helper mentioned she was going the same direction and walked her back to the address. When she got to the woman’s house, she found her family anxiously searching.

What other tips do you have?

If you do organize a search party, act quickly! Have someone stay at home and keep the phone lines as clear as you can. Notify the police ASAP with a description of clothing/height/ etc.

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