Prince George shines at the Senior’s Day Fair

Classic LifeCare Prince George

The Classic LifeCare team in Prince George, including Danielle Dobson and Cara Colter, recently had the opportunity to participate in the BC Northern Exhibition’s Senior’s Day Fair. This year’s theme, “Cows Just Wanna Have Fun,” really helped liven up the fair and kept people aware of Prince George’s significance in agriculture as a community affiliated with farming and country living.

Our booth was very well received by returning and new faces at the event. Many remembered us from the previous year, for what they referred to as “a very impressive reception package.” This year we decided to offer two hours of free service of their choice in a lottery. The lottery had several sign-ups and aroused a lot of fresh interest in our services. Aside from the raffle, all the information and promotional materials in our booth were quickly grabbed by the visitors.

It was a great experience to meet past clients and their families, and even one of our staff who attended the fair. The camaraderie that was developed among all the booths could be seen clearly; there was an atmosphere of mutual support and shared purpose.

This event enabled us not just to present the affordable services Classic LifeCare has on offer but also to establish new bonds with the close-knit community at Prince George. It’s safe to say, it was a great success and even more fun.

Overall, the event was a huge success and even more fun, and we are already looking to making a return next year. The positive feedback and the connections we made remind us about our dedication to serving the seniors of Prince George with compassion and quality.

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